Senin, 08 Desember 2008

Perkembangan water birth di Bali semakin maju. Kini telah ada 3 unit water birth di 3 tempat yaitu Yayasan Bumi Sehat di Nyuh Kuning Ubud yang dikelola oleh Ibu Robin Lim, RSB Harapan Bunda (dr.Hariyasa Sanjaya,SpOG dan dr.Dwi Pelita,SpOG), di Klinik Bersalin Anugrah Jl.Gunung Agung (dr.Dewa Arika,SpOG).
Tantangan yang dihadapi dalam melaksanakan pelayanan water birth di Bali memang sungguh menarik. Masih banyak yang belum yakin akan manfaat dan keamanannya. Dan water birth belum diajarkan dalam kurikulum pendidikan dokter maupun dokter spesialis OBGIN. Namun yang uniknnya, justru kurikulum pendidikan bidan D4 dan D3 Poltekkes Kebidanan memasukkan water birth sebagai materi kuliah mereka.
Semestinya water birth diuji dan diaplikasikan oleh pusat pendidikan dokter spesialis. Bukan ditentang dan ditolak tanpa argumentasi scientific yang benar. Semestinya kita terbuka terhadap inovasi dan temuan-temuan baru. Dan terus menciptakan alternatif-alternatif yang berguna dan terbukti.
Ada hal yang menggembirakan kini, muncul kesadaran dan antusias di kalangan OBGIN muda untuk terbuka dan tertarik menerapkan water birth. Dokter.Eka Wijaya,SpOG,dr Winda Andaka,SpoG dan beberapa yang lainnya berminat untuk menerapkan persalinan water birth.
Untuk mewadahi komunitas dokter, bidan dan rumah sakit yang memberikan pelayanan persalinan water birth maka Gentle Birth Study Group Bali membentuk wadah yang bernama Bali Water Birth Association. Yang bertujuan untuk membangun komunikasi, mengadvokasi pelayanan water birth, melakukan koordinasi dan sosialisasi serta reseach. Dan juga membuat network dengan institusi maupun association serupa di dunia.
Kami mengundang semua orang yang berminat dan tertarik untuk mendiskusikan, menerapkan pelayanan persalinan water birth.
Hariyasa Sanjaya

2 komentar:

meike mengatakan...

Dear Dr. Hary,
I 'd like to share my experience attending my friend's labour using waterbirth method in Melbourne Australia couple months ago. I was excited as it was my first experience witnessing waterbirth. To what I can remember from my presence, the midwife never leaves my friend alone in the pool (unlike the landbirth, midwives sometimes leave the mother alone during antepartum period). Besides repeatedly examining the heart-beat of the baby (dopler), the midwife also maintained the temperature of the water on the pool between 36-37 degrees Celsius.

Based on that experience, I believe that the midwife has multitasking jobs. Not only responsible to the mother and her baby, a midwife should also concern maintaining suitable environments for the patient. Also, the mother should always be accompanied during antepartum period. Furthermore, the midwife should always aware of any hazardous signs of emergency in the early stage. As it may take time to get the mother out of the pool if an emergency occur.

There are several research have proven the benefits of waterbirth. The capability of health care provider, indeed, is one of key point that contributes to the successfulness of waterbirth. If I may give any suggestion, prior to choose the method of birth delivery, the mother has to be given sufficient information about those risks and benefits. For instance, it would not be necessary to exaggerate the information that waterbirth would be less pain as it may end up with disappointment of the mother.

Apart from pros and cons of waterbirth, I personally agree that waterbirth in Bali should be encouraged. It gives mother other options to give birth and It may become one of the precious moments on their life.

Hubungi mengatakan...

Dear Dr.Meike,Thank you for your great advices. I am totally agree. Patient selection is a mandatory and also patient education. If you  interest please joint in this association. I hope you able to come in next meeting of GBSG.Thank you.